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Seasonal Tips
1. Be Active – Exercise at home or outside Air – Whenever possible, Yoga is even recommended daily by Harvard University. Why are children less affected by corona virus? Because…
Ieva Gabriel Bele
Yoga For Abs Strength
Difficulty of the challenge increases throughout every day the 30 days so you are guaranteed to feel every second of it. During the second part of the challenge the number…
Ieva Gabriel Bele
What do we mean when we say #Namaste ?
“Palms pressed at the heart centre, head bowed in humility- the gesture of Namaste is indicative of respect to the Divinity within. Here is a deeper insight into the meaning…
Ieva Gabriel Bele
Yoga for Beginners – Everything You Need to Know
How often do we figure a person doing the headstand against some picturesque backdrop and say ‘yoga is not for me’? You might want to revisit your thought once you…
Ieva Gabriel Bele
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